Yearly Archives: 2019


The Wisdom of Pooh

As a post graduate trained biologist and a former teacher of psychology, I get incensed by the approach of so-called experts to the obesity problem. I have a vested interest, despite exercising almost daily and being unable to recall the last time I ate chocolates or a cake, I have a BMI of 29. With [...]

By | May 22nd, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Travelling to Tarbet, Tobermory and Beyond

Our boo-mobile ready to take us travelling Well, it all started as a bit of a joke really. “when we retire we will get a camper-van and see all the parts of England we haven’t seen” But then we thought:  “A camper-van! Wasn’t that something that old people do?” Indeed,  I have fond [...]

By | February 15th, 2019|Uncategorised|0 Comments