Monthly Archives: September 2016


25% off for the first person to confirm booking

  I am really busy, but not with the writing I want to do and that is your autobiography! The first person to book their autobiography  with me between now and 1/12/16 will receive 25% off the writing costs of their story AND I guarantee delivery of it for you before Christmas.  What are you [...]

By | September 29th, 2016|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Writing has started now, summer is over

I am really excited to begin my writing career,  launch my website and to have two commissions within my first month ! I have also had a feature about my autobiography writing within our local newspaper "The Holderness Gazette" and  I have had lots of positive comments about the work I have done so far. [...]

By | September 16th, 2016|Uncategorised|0 Comments